I can work

How will Speak 2 Me help me work?

AAC users often experience barriers when trying to enter the workplace, associated with communication and limiting equipment. Incorrect job selection often causes boredom and or frustration in the individual.

Using a tablet PC as an AAC deviceSpeak 2 Me provides an assesment of your abilities, developing a comprehensive plan, with you and your family, to equip and train you to engage successfully in your environment. This ranges from being able to speak to collegues and clients while at work, to connect to the internet or other programs such as a graphic design or accounting package. We also look at selecting and or adapting equipment for optimal use.

Job coaching assists you in achieving your potentialJob coaching is a journey as we match abilities and passion to available work possibilities. We also need to train your workplace to fully integrate you into the work environment, and help them understand how to best utilise your skills and expertise. Focus is also given to enabling you to be as independant as possible and to challenge the boundaries of what you can achieve.